Category: Tech – Software

  • 64-bit is the new 32-bit (AMD64 Ubuntu Install)

    Never one to be satisfied with a boring working OS, I decided that since 32-bit Ubuntu “just worked” I would attempt to install 64-bit Ubuntu. Installation and hardware recognition went just as smoothly as with 32-bit Ubuntu. And my first impression of 64-bit Ubuntu is that is appears to be a little “snappier” than 32-bit…

  • Ubuntu – it just works

    Well I finally blew away and reinstalled Ubuntu from scratch and I am now a much happier camper. I had done an upgrade from 7.10 -> 8.04 alpha -> 8.04 final release and my video driver was not in a happy place (could not use the restricted driver at all and any attempt to enable…

  • A ghost in the machine – IE password cache no worky

    Every couple of months Windows XP decides that it does not want to remember passwords anymore in IE (which is the same mechanism some 3rd party apps like gmail notifier use to remember passwords). So I’m writing this more as a reminder to myself as well as a help to anyone who may stumble on…

  • Google gets all Amazony

    Well last night Google announced “Google App Engine”, it’s essentially Google’s answer to Amazon’s web services. Pricing hasn’t been announced at this time, or at least that I could find. If you are interested in testing it out you can sign up for the waiting list here. Right now the only API language supported is…

  • I like Crayons …

    When I grow up I want to be able to play this game, actually, I want it now: Here is a link to the game’s site, unfortunately it is still under development:

  • Bulk Chemicals, Pre-paid phone cards, Food & More

    The title really hasn’t got much to do with this post except that I saw this on a “market” on the way to the hotel I’m currently staying at for a business trip in Jamaica. This one of those “etc” posts so I figure it would be a good title since there will be a…

  • Ubuntu &

    Well my windows install started to act up again so I decided to free up some space on a partition and try out the latest Ubuntu that everyone seems to be going ga-ga over. I do have to say that I was was very pleasantly suprised at how easy the desktop just worked, as it’s…

  • Etc: October 14

    So I’ve been doing at alot of traveling and running about and the site has gotten a little neglected. But here are a few things to keep you guys entertained: Flight Aware: Ever want to really know where your flight is, not the airline’s “update” but the actual real location of the plane (6 minutes…

  • A Great Bioshock review

    I have not bought Bioshock yet as I need to find some time to play as well as perform a computer upgrade in order to play it. But I hope to get to it “soon”. But in the meantime I really enjoyed this review of it which I am blatantly borrowing the linkage from a…

  • Digging through the Linux Kernel

    So I stumbled on two things today that might be goods for folks wanting to delve into the Linux kernel for education or development. The first is the Interactive Linux Kernel Map. This provides some detail on the layout of the kernel and the interaction between various parts. The second is the Linux Weather Forecast.…

  • Google reads too – a first look!

    Well hopefully I don’t start sounding like a Google sycophant but I want to recommend YAGP (Yet Another Google Product) for you to try out. And this time it’s Google Reader… I will say that I tried Bloglines about a year ago and wasn’t as impressed as I am with this but haven’t tried it…

  • Essential Firefox Add-Ons

    A blog-less friend of mine put together this list of his favorite Firefox add-ons and thought it would be a good complement to my “Essential Windows Software” post from last year. I am posting it here as a good little bit of useful info with his permission. Now I need to go try these out.…

  • Time flies

    Well I’ve been out of the country, busy, and sick so ye olde blog here has not been getting much attention. Here are a couple of shiny things I have come across though. A fair(y) use tale – A fair-use copyright primer made mostly out of disney clips: As Yoda would say – “Begun the…

  • Etc : March 1 – 18

    Babies take a lot of time … so here is a reader’s digest version of a post: If you have an old Xbox lying around collecting dust, you may want to take a look here at an interesting project you can undertake relatively painlessly: How to Go from Xbox to Xbox Media Center in 30…

  • Dell Ideastorm

    Michael Dell opened a new website : It’s a place for folks to give ideas and feedback to Dell. The ideas are voted on, and those with more votes get more attention from the Dell folks. The highest voted ideas don’t necessarily get implemented but they do get the most attention from the Dell…

  • Network interface mystery

    I did something yesterday I hadn’t done in a while, I rebooted my Gentoo Linux box. I use it for samba shares/backups, DNS & DHCP (using dnsmasq), and it also does a good job of protein folding in its spare time(Foldingathome). I have also been extremely good about keeping the system up to date using…